Minutes of the Meeting:

  • Dr.C.V.Rao, Vice Chancellor-Dr.NTRUHS
  • Dr. Raja Rao, Chairman of APMC
  • Dr.G.V.Nagi Reddy, Principal of NMC
  • Dr.Rama Krishna, Medical Superintendent NMCH
  • Dr.Ashok Reddy, Observer APMC
  • Dr.Sreeram Sateesh, Additional Medical Superintendent, Prof. & HOD General Surgery
  • Dr. Narasimha Reddy, Prof. & HOD Anaesthesiology
  • Dr.Sreenivasulu Reddy, Prof. & HOD Microbiology
  • Dr.Jithendra, Professor Microbiology
  • Dr.C.Jyothi, Professor Community Medicine
  • Mr.Sandesh Raikar- Administration Officer NMC
  • Mr. Krupanandh, IT Team
  • Mr.G. Sreedhar Reddy, IT Team

The Narayana Medical College has conducted the inauguration of official Alumni Webpage on 20th of January 2018 at Medical College Council Hall. The entire program was headed by Principal of the college Dr.G.V.Nagi Reddy and the webpage has been inaugurated by the Honourable chief guest Dr.C.V.Rao, Vice Chancellor of Dr.NTRUHS, Vijayawada.

Dr.G.V.Nagi Reddy garu gave his welcoming speech to the members of the meeting and explained briefly about the Alumni importance. Mr.Sandesh Raikar has elaborated the need and importance in inaugurating the alumni webpage, which helps the alumni of Narayana Medical College to register and access their identity as an alumni member from anywhere around the globe. Later, Dr. Jyothi Conjeevaram has registered as 1st member of Alumni in the program and was confirmed by Dr. C.V.Rao garu where the inauguration of the webpage was official launched with the first registration. The registration form was handled over to Dr.C.Jyothi as a member of Narayana Medical College Alumni by Honourable Vice Chancellor Dr.C.V.Rao.

The program was concluded with wishes to the whole team behind the Alumni works and applause by Dr.C.V.Rao garu.