Intra Professional Education

The Program on “Intra Professional Education” is conducted on 21.12.2019. This
Program is presided by Dr.S.V.Phanindra Coordinator IQAC Narayana Medical College and was attended by faculty of Narayana Medical College, Narayana Dental College, Narayana Nursing College, Sri Narayana Nursing College and Narayana College of Physiotherapy.

Various aspects of “Intra Professional Education” are discussed and future plan for the coming months is sorted. The need for active participation from all the college of NAHE and the need for students are stressed. The suggestions from the participants was welcomed and discussed. The schedule for the coming months is finalized.

1 23-01-2020 Universal precautions- Needle stick injuries Narayana Dental College
2 27-02-2020 “Sterilization at the level of General Practice” Narayana Nursing Institution.
3 26-03-2020 “Pre-analytical errors in Sample Collection” Narayana Medical College
4 23-04-2020 “Work Related Musculo skeletal disorders among Health Professionals” Narayana College of Physiotherapy

This program is followed by a lecture on “Basic Ethics in Patient Care” by Dr.S.V.Phanindra Professor & HOD of Forensic Medicine as a part of Intra Professional Education. The Programme is attended by students of Narayana Medical College, Narayana Dental College, Narayana Nursing College, Sree Narayana Nursing College and Narayana College of Physiotherapy.